EvolynxNG Visitor integrates visitor management into access control and EvolynxNG monitoring.
The system groups together the native EvolynxNG functions relating to visitor management (additional functions are available via the uDemand and uHost Security Softs).
Visitor control involves the following:
- The visitor personal record: contains information on the visitor. If the visitor has come before, the personal record is retained for an unlimited period of time, nor limited by system capacity.
- Visit request: is made on a form that records information on the visit such as place, date, person requesting, person(s) being visited and so on.
This operation can be performed at visitor reception in which case we describe it as an unannounced visit.
To streamline procedures and lighten the workload of the reception desk, the system provides for a system of rights delegation from a director to his assistant and, for scheduled visits, also allows for the preparation/ validation / assignment of visitor badges.

EvolynxNG Visitor manages visits in the following way:
- Visitor reception: this step is performed at the place of the visit. A badge is printed and allocated to a visitor depending on whether it was a pre-requested or unscheduled visit. When allocated, access rights will be downloaded for the access points concerned. The controllers are updated for access rights in less than 20 seconds.
- On-going visit: during a visit, the visitor can use his badge throughout the duration of his stay, governed by the time slot allocated and valid date for the visit. It is also possible to check the number and identities of visits in progress, to declare badges lost or stolen etc.
- End of visit: this operation is performed by batch processing if there is no procedure for physically handing badges back.
- After the visit: it is possible to view a visit history and visit statistics. Statistics include graphical displays (bar charts, pie charts).
Visits can be managed based on the principle of:
- Unaccompanied visits: the visitor enjoys defined access rights and has an active badge. Different technologies can be used, including virtual badges on Smartphones.
- Accompanied visit: the visitor must be accompanied by one or more persons in all or part of the site. The visitor has a certain amount of time to present his badge after the escort has presented his badge. It is possible to have several escorts per visitor and to have a single escort for a group of visitors.
- Escorted visit: the visitor must be accompanied by one or more persons in all or part of the site. This is a more restrictive mode than an accompanied visit, as the escort has to present his badge in order to validate the passing of visitors through access points.
Please note that EvolynxNG Visitor provides automatic control tools to monitor the “improper” use of visits:
- Restrictions based on user and requester profiles: password to use the application, authorised visit locations, persons or categories which can be visited, categories of persons authorised to accompany visitors, authorised visitor-type access rights.
- Concept of visit request approval, granted automatically or by a single or dual validation by level-1 and 2 operators. Automatic approval follows pre-defined rules based on the visit category, visit duration, visitor nationality, his company, place being visited or the requester.
- Control of maximum number of allowed consecutive visit days.
- Automatic or manual black lists by person and company.

EvolynxNG Visitor therefore has functional depth that is tailored to the wide range of types of visit. The systems allows for control of multi-site visitors over the Web and your Intranet.
Visitors are welcomed more quickly and easily without security lapses